Sunday, September 5, 2010

game #3 and labor day weekend

Sorry I am just now posting about the game on friday night, but it has been a busy weekend! The SBEC Trojans played the ECS Eagles friday night, and unfortunately we lost :( but it was fun to see all of our friends who are still at ECS. And, I was so busy watching the game and visiting with friends that I did not take any pictures!!!! AHH! So sad. Also, I may not be posting any pictures for a while because I accidentally dropped my camera and broke the until I get a new camera, I will be posting pics from other people or blurry pics!

Yesterday, I got to stay with sweet Hudson Butler all day! What a cutie! We had such a fun day.

{Happy Hudson!}

Ben and I also watched the Memphis game with our friends Blake and Allison, which was very fun and relaxing, even though we got beat pretty badly. But we still LOVE our TIGERS! Today, Ben and I have been working around the house, and catching up on some quality time together :) Homework has been keeping me pretty busy on my days off, but I keep trying to tell myself that it will all pay off in the end. There is a small light at the end of the tunnel! Haha, anyways everyone have a fabulous labor day weekend!


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